Saturday, July 13, 2013

One year gone OMG

I will first have to say thank you to our gracious God for continued love, grace and sustenance in this journey of life. I can hardly believe its been a whole freaking year since I last made a blog post. I most definitely cant be a blogger as a career for obvious reasons. A lot of things have happened in the past year and I really cannot mention it all but all I can say is that I'm almost through with my time in Canada and I'm just looking back now at the almost two years spent here and wondering, what has it taught me? what have I achieved? whats my story? well its quite simple, its been an eye opening two year period. It has taught me self-reliance, independence, and has made me realise I could have pursued a career in economics as without frugality in finances, living in Canada is almost a nightmare. 

It has taken my mind back to all the things we take for granted in Ghana. Living in the homes of our parents for free, eating for free...... and all those other things i fail to mention, i can go on and on. Canada however has shown me that as soon as you turn 18, well in some provinces 16, you find yourself a job and proceed to move out of your parent's home and the most surprising part is parents actually encourage you to move out, in fact some of them cannot wait to get rid of you. That's quite the opposite of Ghana where till you get married you have no option but to stay under the roof of your parents even if you are 30 years plus. I don't intend to rant on and on but i just have to mention a few of the things i will miss about Canada.

I will miss the cleanliness of the environment, i am definitely not looking forward to the dirt and filth that engulfs most parts of Accra and Ghana as a whole with open drains and choked gutters and even where there are bins people will rather drop their litter on the streets, nope that is not very pleasant imagery and i am not looking forward to any of that. I will miss having Internet access all the time and everywhere, instead of battling with one mtn piece of junk called a modem or a useless modem from vodafone or one of the other cellular networks. Again i am not looking forward to having to walk to the cafe in order to access Internet services. I will miss being able to shop at different shops and finding exactly what you want instead of having to walk the length and breadth of Accra looking for one little thing to buy o, and for those of us who unfortunately have big feet, having to hunt for weeks on end to buy one shoe which wont even be nice at ridiculously outrageous prices ad3n? so yes am not looking forward to any of that.  

I also don't worry about thieves too much in Canada when i leave my phone at random places, that is not to say people do not steal here, they do but you don't constantly have to look over your shoulder as a result of the activities of thieves and petty pick-pockets, i think the problems of the Western world include pickpockets and armed robbers but there are greater worries like stalkers, kidnappers and serial killers. On the other hand i will definitely not miss Canadian weather, i mean spring and fall with winter being the worst, and they all have something in common, chilly winds, and with winter the snow that rises to the knee, not not not. Having to wear thousands of jackets and sweaters to feel a little warmth, and also the heater you have to put on to keep your room warm which may end up giving you an unpleasant headache. The summer sun can also be so intense sometimes you just wonder if you are in the Northern part of Ghana or in Canada.

I wont miss the food in Canada as everything natural is found in Ghana as opposed to everything being canned here and causing fatness and other diseases, well am not entirely saying everything is pure in Ghana but at least you will see poultry farms and know the chicken wings you are eating are indeed from chickens and not manufactured wings. As to the individuation of the Canadian culture, it kinda works ok for me because it is a better option to me than all the konkonsa and the sabe in Ghanaian culture where people even want to ask you what deodorant you used in the morning or what soap you showered with before bed. Canada is all about doing your own thing in lay man's words, and even though there is more togetherness and communal living in Ghana which is a good remedy to some ills like depression etc, when it gets too intense and the konkonsa is becoming unbecoming, i think the Canadian way isn't bad at all, just mind your own business. Once again back to Ghana will be back to dirty politics, ineptitude and the mismanagement of our economy by many governments, just see how the cedi has fallen against the dollar? the African problem cannot be solved today so long as people get into politics for the wrong reasons. I am delving into so many different areas you may be thinking, but hey am an omnivorous person so that's how I roll.
Hmm it seems i have to sleep now if i intend to go to church tomorrow, so I shall return and that is a line from cantata TV series on G.TV. hahahah. I cannot say when but i will make an effort to come pretty soon.
bisous mes amis.

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