Monday, January 3, 2011

The socially "unsmart" (socially incompetent)

So being smart is not all about being academically inclined, instead it  has diverse meanings. You may make an excellent student but your seeming brilliance ends in the classroom. I may be opinionated on this but i think most people we meet on a daily basis are not smart and are lacking in manners. Not just the people we meet but even some of our friends are socially incompetent. You may not agree with me but wait up and let me just give u a few of my reasons and lets see what your view is.
Why would you visit a friend perhaps and then notice that the friend in question is with her boyfriend, bearing in mind that you made a call before you went visiting and you were told that there was already a guest. I mean its ok if you guys are all friends, but point is if they wanted a party they would have invited you. You get there and no one is glad to see you and instead of taking the cue and vamoosing to appear at a latter date noooo, you'd rather stay and be a third wheel, engage in idle chat and fail to see that you are not wanted. Behind all the fake smiles you're seeing are two very dissatisfied people. Its a different scenario if you share that room but if you don't share it whats your business there at that particular time? beats my very active imagination.
And what of the friend who invites himself or herself on a lovers date? even though the lovers aren't complaining and are cheesing really hard, come on they don't mean it. They just don't know how to tell you not to tag along like a lost lamb so instead they allow you to come with, all along expecting you to read the writing on the wall and excuse yourself.
Now i don't know about what guys go through because I am a girl, but I cant fathom why a guy will meet a girl and ask for her name, the girl may not want to oblige but at the risk of seeming rude may comply or if she's in anyway like me would pay you no mind. You proceed to have an aimless conversation with her, a chat to which shes making no contribution and you seem to be the only active participant, and at the end of the dreary chat you ask for her cell number.
Have you totally lost it or are you just not insightful? If the girl doesn't even want to tell you her name why for goodness sake do you think she will give you her number? I mean before you approach a girl why don't you arrest the situation? Make sure that the girl is at least a little interested, have silent rapport, weigh your stakes and if its in your favor plunge ahead, if its not then just rest. Its not a matter of life and death and shes not the only girl left in the world but nooo, you'd rather go ahead and embarrass yourself. If you strike a conversation and it ends up badly just go home and lick your wounds, try someone else another time or better still don't try at all. I cannot speak for other girls but for me such baseless persistence is incredibly annoying.
That further brings me to the guys who never know what to say at the right time. You meet someone new, you're having a conversation and instead of getting to know the person first, you don't but in your own wisdom decide to make suggestions to what the person should and shouldn't do in their lives. Someone you haven't been acquainted with for more than a week and yet you start giving directions on the rites of passage the person should be going through, like are you for real?That's preposterous and these same people are the ones who feel a high sense of entitlement. You meet them casually, second time you meet they think they deserve a hug and am even sure in their twisted minds a kiss kraa wouldn't be far fetched. Get to know people before you start misbehaving and showing your excesses.
I again recall all the people who basically lack social cues, they leave a really sour taste in my mouth. You meet someone having a really bad day, its okay if you don't know the person is having a bad day, but at least when you interact with someone and its going downhill it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. The best you can do is propose to call the person later or perhaps try to make the person feel better. The people i call " unsmart " or (socially incompetent) are the ones who will rather aggravate the situation by making snide and irrelevant comments and trying to engage an already annoyed person in endless chatter which just draws smoke out of the persons ears. In this same category are the people who at a time when milk has already been spilt are castigating instead of helping find reasonable solutions to the issue at hand. They make me ill.
Ever heard of "love at first sight"? well maybe it exists, i cant say for now because i haven't experienced that, but there's nothing more irritating than meeting someone for the first time or maybe for a week and he or she saying "I love you". Especially when you know that "I love you" is simply unwarranted. You couldn't possibly love anyone within those micro seconds unless of course in your world love is trite.
How can you love somebody you know next to nothing about? you don't even know the persons surname but yet you feel strongly in your heart that you're in love. What manner of love is that? i agree that its possible but at least lets believe that between two people who feel the same way but not one person trying to convince the other about this unseen love. What is most irking about this is the fact that most of the time the people they are proposing the love to don't even like them. I don't believe in love at first sight, i think love is too strong to be used so carelessly, i think its rather lust at first sight being misconstrued for love at first sight. In your subconsciousness you think its love but your physical yearnings definitely know its lust.
What about those annoying friends and acquaintances who always want to go through your phone under the pretext of transferring music?. They don't just go through it but they read your messages and then try to cunningly ask questions concerning them and then act like it was actually hearsay and not something they know for a fact. Who does that? you may ask but many a people actually do it. Perhaps you don't agree because you've never seen them but trust me they do all the time. Next time your friend picks up your phone just take a closer look and that's not in any way suggesting that all friends who go through your phone have ulterior motives but one bad nut..............
Now the people who borrow and never return the items they borrow definitely deserve to be whipped. When they want something they come sweetly and contritely and after wards you practically have to chase them to have the borrowed items returned. I don't know how anyone can forget that something they using isn't theirs and then after the chase, on a different occasion when they ask for another item they sincerely expect you to actually give it to them. Is it them being too shallow minded or do they just think everyone else relates to their ways? Makes me shake my head in disbelief. 
Not lastly but just for now, the people who piss me off the most and the most ill mannered are these people. When someone is introducing a new person to them they cut the person short saying " I know her or him already" and then you go like where do you know me? and then he or she says " I've been seeing her around". Come of it, what do you mean by seeing her around? is that the basis for claiming to know someone? The people don't know you from Adam and when people are being introduced to you, just shut up and cooperate. Even if you dream about them each night just go through the rigmarole and after wards you can probably say I think I've seen you here or there, and honestly that is not even vaguely important. It wont make the person like you more but I can be certain of liking you less.
Being book smart is not enough people, lets pay attention to all other social cues and please lets learn some manners, first impressions they say are the most lasting.


  1. hehehehehe... well said.. these people are all around us. i know what they are capable of but i still get shocked when they do their acts..

  2. Well said.

    What i hate the most are those guys who will in box you whether you have a boyfriend and ask of your number and your age, the first day you accept their friend request on face book.

    Unfortunately, you cant do away with such people easily.
    The world is such that you don't always get what you want darlyn.

  3. it's very shocking when i hear these stuffs....who does that? Guys mind your own businees and save your a.... some embarrassment. ladies you are not exempted
