Monday, June 16, 2014

Things and times change

 Things and times do indeed change. My experiences over the past year have made me fully understand that nothing is carved in stone. I have also come to understand the saying man proposes and God disposes quite well. I have more or less reached an epiphany that anything can happen at any given time, regardless of how much effort you put in and your desire to control all variables. A year ago, I did write about my time in Canada and how it had come to and end and also that I was going back to my home country. Well why am I still in Canada? million dollar question, plans changed at the very last minute. Truth of the matter is plans did not have to change, I could have totally gone ahead with my plans and turned a blind eye to all the problems I was envisaging, and moved on but I realized its not worth it. 

At no point in life should you allow yourself to be short changed of your happiness. We have only one life to live, and it should not include compromises that will only come back to bite you in the bum and leave you distressed. I have seen people make such compromises and what happened in the end? they regretted their decisions and wished they could have made the right choices at the beginning. No one person is responsible for your happiness, you are responsible for your own choices and decisions, so take charge of your decisions and pray for the good Lord to give you the spirit of discernment in all issues. I rest my case.