Monday, May 16, 2011

Mon coeur, Ma vie

Whoever thought love didn't hurt must be in outer space or actually no am sure even in space love hurts. The saying that its better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all i think should be the reverse, because the pains that come with love, maybe i will compare to labor pains one day when i have my twins and then i will know which hurts the most. I think love does anyways because its more of an emotional thing and if emotions can cause people to kill then you can just imagine. The pains of love are inexplicable.

when there's so much anguish you cannot even think straight, when your nights are spent soaking pillows in your tears, when your days just race by like speeding cars, when your thoughts are a jumble of unrecognizable words. When you wake up and the first thing you feel are pangs of pain. When you build a life with someone and one day you awaken and they are no where to be found, when you wake up and the one you love is just a shadow in your past and you cannot do anything about it. When all the memories you have are of you and him walking together and sharing your every breath, when his touch is no more and you are left in the cold. 

When you wake up in the morning and there's no greeting of love, when you go to sleep and there's no  voice to listen to. When you're sick and there's no one soaking your sickness up with you, when you are in distress and no one has your back, when everyone is against you and there's that one man who is there for you no matter what. When you taste food and its like seasoned bile,When you feel all this then you'd understand how painful love is, the kind of pain that stifles you, that makes you feel like you drowning, that just saps your every breath. Love hurts soo bad. I don't know if i am at that point where i will just say no one should love again, but that is beyond me because people will still love anyway. 

Love is beautiful whilst it lasts, but when its forced to an abrupt halt, when is seems the universe is conspiring against you to bring pain then love hurts. Love, love really hurts. It just reminds me of part of a song i sung in primary  school 
                                         "My God loves me
                                          His love will never end
                                          The pains of love will be                                           lost in the praise we sing'

Even this song explains it all. Thank God for Christ and the fact that the pains of love can be lost..dont know about mine though.......