Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A lesson

So today started off as one of those days when the world just totally sucks and everything around you seems irritating. Thinking of the issues of life usually leaves you with an aftertaste which isn't exactly sweet especially when the main course isn't a pleasant meal. Thinking through the night before of where I want to be and where I am now and just taking critical life decisions seems quite an arduous task. The part of life where I think can best be described as midlife crises. 

  If you are in anyway like me and you have dreams that just loom largely in your brain then you begin to wonder if really you on the pathway to those dreams. At the same time I know my life is just going to get better and better each day. Why am I so convinced of this? Well it’s simply because of God and life. I cannot complain because everything that happens is all part of a divine plan. I may probably be sounding like the author of the "alchemist" with that line but seriously I believe it.

 Last Friday I found out that a friend of mine had suddenly gone completely blind in both eyes. I was shocked to tears; I couldn't believe how someone I knew who was seeing how beautiful the world was with both eyes had suddenly no chance of seeing this world again. A girl who drove her own car and just completed her master’s degree.  At that point I just realized how really cruel the world could be and how very lucky we all were. By us all I mean all those of us who have our faculties working correctly, who don't have to walk naked on the streets due to either no fault of ours or because of psycho active drugs or something else I cannot fathom. Who didn't have to live on the coins people threw at us through their windows. 

 My day indeed wasn't a good one by any standard. On my way back from work I got stuck in traffic for an insane period and at the point when I decided to buy chocolate from a street vendor, the cars started moving and this vendor had to run madly after the car. The most painful part was that the car in front of ours was also silver in color so the vendor ended up going to the wrong car and he was sent away. We eventually called him back and he didn't have any change. I felt horrible because I couldn't believe he had run all that way for nothing. Eventually my colleague found some change and I bought the chocolate.

 I spent the rest of my journey thinking about the struggle people went through daily to make ends meet and the praises I should be singing for all the undeserved mercies bestowed on me. My friend just landed a very good job today and I was ecstatic. I was so happy that at long last something great was happening to someone I knew; it further stressed my lesson for the day which was that in all things we should be thankful because we could be in worse situations. Celebrate with those who are happy and mourn with those who are grieving. We do not have to be happy only when we are the ones with good fortunes, we have to be able to share in the joy of others so that in turn good things happen to us.........Am done.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A peek into the future

My vision of the future is illustrated by a white building which is so pure and crystal that the color white pales beside it, with endless sunshine pouring through its glass windows, the whisper of few clouds and nonexistent storms. Selective showers for a renaissance and the signature of luminous growth.

When I think of the future I see a beautiful third generation of children filling the chasms in my life and my existence with melodious laughter and heart wrenching tears of childhood. When I think of the future I see the bedrock of love all around me and within this I see the love of a male, handpicked for me by an eternal being and sharing every pain and anguish which would at some point realistically besiege me.

When I think of the future I smile to myself because I see the homeless finding homes and the hungry getting bread. I see the blind seeing bright colors and the lame limping and then finally walking. I see a life dedicated to the maker, where my steps are directed and my life ordered by divine instruction. I see no room for talebearers, I see no room for back biters, I see no room for haters, I only see the love of the maker all around me and I see a life of peace and a life well lived. I can taste the sorrow the world will feel at my loss, because I will be great in every way imaginable.

When I think of the future, I see prosperity in ten folds; I see happiness as never before being my street. I see joy being my smile and I see peace being my gait.  When I think of the future, I see greatness shivering beside what I have become, because I will be many words above him and I bask in the contentment of my invention.

When I think of the future I get disillusioned about its fulfillment, but then what is written is written, and what is written is everything I envision. It’s carved in the hardest granite and the lamb above reproach carved it. When I think of the future, nothing happening presently matters to me because the future will take care of itself. When I think of the future, I think of now and my sub consciousness has a mansion right there in the future.

 When I think of the future, I feel success and I know am blessed beyond measure. When I think of the future I think of you and your endless echoes in my life.

A renaissance

The uncertainty of a new beginning
The smell of a fresh start
The fluttering lids of an awakening
The cry of a new birth
A renaissance
The sprouting of young herbs
The intoxicating perfume of flowers
The rains of restoration
The rite of transition
A rebirth                
The will to bid farewell to wrong
The exit of pain and anguish
The drive to rekindle your senses
The breakthrough of sunny days
A new life  
The feel of the fabric of change
The intricate patterns of renewal
The electrical surges of revival
The hum of a delightful tune
The dawn of a new day